Sunday, February 26, 2012

Good Friends Visit

We love having friends and family come to visit us here on the island.  Right now we are privileged to have our friends Danny & Joellen and their son Landon here.  Danny has been such a great friend to Mike and Joellen and I have discovered that we have MUCH in common.
 Here are Danny, Joellen & Mike on the beach.

We took a wonderful tour in a zodiac raft up the Napali coast.  That place is seriously, astoundingly beautiful.  I did not get pictures of the beauty of the coast because I didn't want to ruin another camera by getting it wet, but here are a few of the pictures that Danny took.  This one is inside the sea cave where a scene from Robin Williams' version of Popeye was filmed.
 The end of a waterfall that starts 4000 feet above and ends in a sea cave.

Here are the very wet but happy group:  Mike, me, Joellen, Danny, Joey and Landon.

More sea cave pictures.

Joey on the raft.

A tiny glimpse of the beauty of Kauai.

This boy was our skipper, brave and sure.  Here he is opening an unripe coconut.  The inside he called "spoon meat" and it was like coconut slime, but it tasted good.

We are having fun with our friends even though it now is POURING rain!!!!  We are praying for better weather tomorrow.

1 comment:

Angela said...

That is the most beautiful place!! I'm glad you took Joey with you guys! Did you see any whales or dolphins? I want to go there again! Glad to see you guys having fun!