Thursday, June 9, 2011

Queen's Bath

A couple of weeks ago we took pictures from the cliff overlooking Queen's Bath. This is a beautiful swimming spot on the North Shore. In the winter the water is too deep and wild to go there, but in the summer it's a popular place.
Bird of Paradise. So pretty.

There were only a couple of people swimming but we had a great view from the cliff above. One of these days we'll go down the trail and swim there ourselves, but we haven't tried it yet.

This is an interesting place right next to Queen's Bath. You can also see it from the cliff above. There's a wild video on YouTube that shows some people swimming here when the waves are rolling. It's called something like "Not Queen's Bath But Close By" and there's one called "Boy Gets Flushed." Check 'em out if you get bored. It's pretty amazing.

1 comment:

Angela said...

Dad took us to that same look out point when we were there, it is amazingly beautiful!