Wednesday, July 27, 2011

I'm So Sad

I'm so so sad because nobody comments on my blog lately. I know you're out there... At least I think you're out there. Hello? Hello? Is anybody out there? Don't you know I live for comments???


Linda said...

I am here! I read your blog!

I've noticed the same thing on my blog... I used to get dozens of comments per post and know I'm lucky to get one. I've decided that people either don't take time to comment or they don't want you to know how often they read your blog. That's my theory.

Have a great day!

Mary said...

I'm here too, I anxiously await every post! I'm just a bad commenter. Sorry. I'll try harder. :)

Kathy&Mike said...

YAY! Somebody loves me! Thanks, Linda and Mary!

Angela said...

I don't get many comments on my blog either but since the main reason I do my blog is for my own journaling it doesn't really bother me. But I do read your blog though! I will try to comment more!

Shelly said...

Ditto to what Linda, Mary, and Angela said.

Chad, Mindy and girls said...

I always read your blog too!! I try to get on as often as I can. Your blog posts are great to read. I love hearing about your adventures! If it makes you feel any better I NEVER get comments anymore either. I guess its just not that popular anymore...Boo!

Mindy Hawks said...

I was going to say, "I always comment on your blog" but then I looked back at your last few posts and I didn't comment on any of them! Oops! A lot of times I look at peoples blogs on my iPod and It's hard to comment on the ipod. But I'm reading your blog either way!