Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hungry? (Seriously This Time)

Since my last post was about some disgusting things to eat here, I decided to do a rebuttal. This post is about the beautiful foods that grow in our yard.
The first one is not food, but I couldn't resist posting a picture of a hybiscus. There are all different colors of hybiscus here, growing wild everywhere. This one grows by our patio.

At the end of October, I bought seeds for tomatoes and cucumbers and planted them in pots on our patio. It's amazing that they are growing in November, but here they are.

These berry bushes also grow wild. I don't know what they are or if they're edible. Anyone know? They sure are pretty.

Okay, on to the food. This is an avocado tree that grows in our yard. Because we live in a condo, it's first come, first served, but we have gotten quite a few avocados from it. They make the yummiest guacamole. I hate it when no one gets the avocados and they fall on the ground and the chickens eat them. There are wild chickens all over Kauai, but that's a subject for another post.

See the avocados up near the top?

In a previous post, I said there was an unidentified fruit growing in our yard. I have since found out that this is passion fruit. Joey and I picked a couple and cut them open and they smelled SO GOOD!! But they were too sour to eat and then I found out they are not ripe until they are yellow and wrinkled.

This is a banana tree in our yard. The tree puts out a big strange flower and then the little bananas start to grow at the base of the stem. Eventually the flower dies and the bananas keep growing (the bananas are right in the middle of the photo).

More bananas growing after losing the flower.

This is an orange tree. They taste SO sweet!

I have discovered that I love papayas. I bought some from the grocery store before I realized that's what was growing on this strange tree. I think it's weird how they grow from the trunk.

I love all the free food that grows in our yard!!!


Mindy Hawks said...

I'm jealous you have an orange tree..I love oranges! And I want to try passion fruit...sounds yummy!

TJ and Jessica said...

All of it looks delicious! I'm so jealous! I love fruit and would love to just walk out my front door and have fresh fruit right there! (Although I'll skip on the bananas, yesterday I picked up one that was super mushy and it made me throw up haha!) The hybiscus is gorgeous!!

Angela said...

I love papayas too! All of the fresh fruit looks so yummy!