What a week this has been. After a couple of really bad days, Mike, Joey and I felt like we needed a get-away. Friday we loaded up the car and went on a picnic. We drove up Unaweep Canyon and found a nice spot by a creek. We ate our picnic and waded a little. It was wonderful. As soon as we arrived home, our friends Danny and Joellen called and said they were heading for their cabin and did we want to come? Even though we had been in the car all day, we still jumped at the chance. We loaded up the 4-wheelers, packed an over-night bag and again headed for the hills.
The cabin was so wonderful. We enjoyed a nice dinner and conversation with dear friends. We slept well, then awoke to a beautiful Saturday morning in the mountains. We took the 4-wheelers on a very long exploration and had the most wonderful time. We were awed by the beauty of the state we live in. Everywhere we looked there were picture-post-card perfect views. It was just heavenly. Joey caught a fish and learned how to clean it and he was so excited to eat it.
While dinner was cooking (steak and fresh fish) Joey went outside to play with the BB gun. A few minutes later he came back in with a hole in the palm of his hand and a BB just under the skin in the back of his hand. The BB had passed all the way through the muscle, but not through the skin. Joey showed me the wound, then passed out on the floor. We quickly loaded everything back up and headed for the ER.

Here is the x-ray of Joey's right hand with a cute little BB inside.

This little bugger is the offending BB. Joey wanted to keep it.

Here is the entrance wound one day after the "incident."

In the ER on Saturday night, the doctor made a small incision in the back of Joey's hand to remove the BB. Here is how it looked on Sunday.

This is the back of Joey's hand with the BB still inside. You can barely see it in the picture, but it was pretty obvious in real life.

This is the entrance wound on Saturday, when we first arrived at the ER.

Here is our little man, waiting to see the doctor.
It all came out okay; Joey is taking some really good antibiotics and resting and his hand is pretty sore. The worst part was that we missed the grilled steak and fresh fish!!!
Oh man, I'm so glad he's okay! But my question is, how did he shoot himself in the hand?? Poor Joey!
Those pictures are sick! They make me want to pass out!! I'm really glad he's okay, it could have been a lot worse. He shouldn't be unsupervised with things like that! It scares the crap out of me!! He explained to me how he shot himself in the hand and I still don't get it. He said he was shoting a can, but how was he holding the gun??
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